
Information Coming Soon!

Calling all Drill Teams, Driving Clubs, and other performance organizations!

A limited number of performance demonstration time slots are available  during the Horse Fair weekend.


Since space is limited, information regarding your demonstration must be submitted ahead of time so that the Horse Fair Management can plan the program for printing and notify groups so they can plan accordingly for stall arrangements.


Time slots are awarded based on availability and audience appeal/entertainment value. Decisions regarding demonstration time slots are at the discretion of Horse Fair Management.


If multiple requests are made for the same type of demonstration, Horse Fair Management will determine who is best able to fill the time slot and will then notify all the groups involved.


Time allowed for the demonstration will be determined by the type of demonstration, the location of the demonstration, and the time available.


When selection decisions have been made, all groups will be notified of their location and time allotment.


Horses should be well groomed with clean tack as if going to a show.


All performance demonstration representatives should attend the 5:30 p.m. Friday night meeting (see Horse Barn info sheet) with final details of their demonstration.