The Draft Horse Competition will consist of 20 teams participating in 3 different events during a course of two days. The events are feed team race, beer run, and gamblers choice obstacle course.

Payout and prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of Saturdays event.

All horses must be draft horses. List of draft horse breeds include: Shire, Clydesdale, Percheron, Suffolk Punch, Belgian, Heavy Draft Mule, and Spotted Draft. No draft horses crossed to a lighter breed are allowed. Horses should be 1500lbs or heavier.

Entry fee is $150 per team. Payment for this fee will be sent to Josh Winkler. Please contact Jasmine Winkler at 641-344-3751 for more information. 

Register here for your horse and tack stalls. These fees go to the Iowa Horse Fair. If you have any questions, please contact Jasmine Winkler at 641-344-3751.