
Want to be a vendor at Iowa's largest Equine show??!!

If you have an equine related product,

business, or organization and are

interested in becoming an exhibitor 

at the Iowa Horse Fair trade show 

or would like more information, 


The Iowa Horse Fair is the largest equine event in Iowa and draws attendees from Iowa and several surrounding states. Attendance has been growing and last year we had attendance around 10,000 people.

This year we feature Scott Purdum, Esteban Escobedo, Tj Clibborn, and Matt Jobe.

This year we will also have the Iowa Horse Fair Rodeo, drill team competition and the Queen contest.

The Iowa Horse Fair includes breed presentations, equine performance demos, youth events, clinics, drill teams, Cowboy Church, a Trail Challenge, and Iowa’s largest equine trade show.

The Trade Show will be in the Varied Industry Building that is located north of the Jacobson Building.

Exhibitor Fee Structure

Map of Trade Show floor

Setup for Booth Exhibitors will be:

Wednesday, March 19th – 8 AM to 9 PM

Thursday, March 20th – 7 AM to 9 PM

All booths must be set up by 7 AM on March 21st.

Also, don’t miss the information about advertising in the 2025 Iowa Horse Fair Official Program, which is distributed FREE to all attendees. This is an excellent opportunity to advertise your farm, stallion, product, or service to a wide variety of people.

For advertising information, see our
IHF Program Advertising Order Form 2025
or contact Linda Dahl at Dahl graphics at ihf-ads@dahlgraphics.com